How long did games take?
- Demo games (specific demo models used different from standard stat cards) ~45min
- Learning games (after you've already done a demo) with ~3 models per side take about 1.5 hours.
- Standard Game where you're still learning (6 models exactly) is about 2.5 hours
- Standard Game where you know rules (uses a chess clock) its 55 minutes per side with clock out rules, so 1hr 50min - 2 hrs (if clocking out).
This is my preferred way to play unless playing with a new player
How much replay does it have with limited models available to play?
- Personally for me it doesn't have a ton of replayability unless you want to buy many different teams. Where as Malifaux has a lot of variety in a single faction, GB has its variety spread out over the entire game. Think of the range of GB about the same as a single faction in Malifaux. This isn't necessarily a bad thing for the game, because it more or less stream lines a lot of things (reduced complexity). However because of this design choice it also reduces variety for me. The game seems very similar time after time. Where as with Infinity and Malifaux every game feels different due to mission, lists building, etc.
How do you rank them against other sports fantasy games?
- Honestly it ranks very well compared to Blood Bowl and Dreadball, but again I hate drawing comparisons because they are not in anyway similar. I love me some Blood Bowl (i'm personally not a big fan of Dreadball however). While GB is a sports fantasy game its really just a skirmish tactical game.
One other thing I'll mention as a generality is that in GB there is no opposed 'duels'. While the game is a 1 model activates than your opponent activates a model (and that goes back and forth), when its your opponents turn you don't get to do anything and it can feel very frustrating that you don't get to roll dice to defend.
The game is a lot of fun but for me its at the bottom of my 'favorite' miniature games I play. Again, its a tight rule set and a lot of fun but it has some deficiencies for me personally with staying above other miniature games.